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  • 16-1 <i>David</i>, Gianlorenzo Bernini width:342;;height:480
  • 16-2 <i>Ecstasy of Saint Teresa</i>, Gianlorenzo Bernini, from the Cornaro Chapel width:348;;height:480
  • 16-3 Facade of St. Peter's, Carlo Maderno width:640;;height:377
  • 16-4 Baldacchino, Saint Peter's, Gianlorenzo Bernini width:360;;height:480
  • 16-5 Aerial view of Saint Peter's, including the piazza, Vatican width:500;;height:391
  • 16-6 Facade of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Francesco Borromini width:361;;height:480
  • 16-7  Plan of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Francesco Borromini width:271;;height:418
  • 16-8 <i>Loves of the Gods</i>, Annibale Carracci, ceiling frescoes in the gallery, Palazzo Farnese width:612;;height:480
  • 16-9 <i>Calling of Saint Matthew</i>, Caravaggio width:505;;height:480
  • 16-10 <i>Judith Slaying Holofernes</i>, Artemesia Gentileschi width:388;;height:480
  • 16-11 <i>Water Carrier of Seville</i>, Diego Velazquez width:361;;height:480
  • 16-12 <i>Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor)</i>, Diego Velazquez width:640;;height:412
  • 16-13 <i>The Raising of the Cross</i>, Peter Paul Rubens width:500;;height:325
  • 16-14 Aerial photograph of Versailles Palace width:640;;height:416
  • 16-15 Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Charles Le Brun, Hall of Mirrors, Versailles Palace width:610;;height:480
  • 16-16 <i>Louis XIV</i>, Hyacinthe Rigaud width:336;;height:480
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